Friday, February 6, 2009

End Of Days

The date is Dec 21st, 2012. That is based on the Mayan calender. The subject is complex for me and I am not trying to describe in detail. If interested, look up on the web for this. What I understand is, it is a winter solstice. Certain celestial alignments take place. The prediction is for the world to change from the way we are familiar to it, in some way. I came up on this while looking for something else.


What do you think is the biggest news right now? It is the economy. It is like a big, rare celestial event happening in slow motion. I don't think any stimulus package is going to stop the events. The st.pkg will only delay the inevitable and make the agony worse. The govts will have to let the incompetents fall at some point.

When a govt cannot raise the money it needs, it resort to printing its way out. And in comes hyperinflation.

(May be I will come back and add more to this. I thought about posting this on my other blog, but feel this is not yet complete)


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